We’re surrounded by ceaseless chatter, at work, home and even when we’re on our own it’s facebook or twitter and even with the computer off, the chatter continues inside our head, words, thoughts, dreams, gossip…

This weekend Walter and I escaped to the Inner Space Centre for Spiritual Learning for a silent retreat, 42 hours of silence to be exact from 7pm Friday night. Inner Space is in luscious Wilton, about an hour’s drive south of Sydney. It’s run by the Brahma Kumaris. Here, there’s no TV, internet and no mobile reception, just nature, vegetable garden (above), rain water tanks, vegetarian food, mediation, self reflection and, of course, 42 hours of silence.

Behind the pond and greenery from the picture above is our spartan but comfortable room. All up there were over 30 participants some looking to de-stress, others to get in touch with themselves and some to take a selfish time out.
On the first night we learnt about the power of silence. For me it was learning that silence is not just the words you utter with your mouth, but also the chatter in your head. I also learnt when you are silent you can begin to listen to others… and to yourself.
In that silence, I realise how ‘violent’ rushed, daily activities can be, the harsh sounds of doors slamming, feet stamping, glasses clinking. It was a good reminder for me to slow down and take deliberate, loving movements. It was wonderful, now, I’m back home and still feel energised and at peace.

We also ate well and healthy with replenishing vegetarian meals like the potato curry, papadum above.

Baked pasta with garden fresh salads.

And an extra favourite of mine, kiwi fruit cheesecake.
I was astounded by the generosity of the Brahma Kumaris (BKs) who put on the weekend including accommodation and meals, free for all participants. Of course, we were encouraged to donate within our means, but I was touched by how generous this gesture was. And for them not using it as a platform to recruit people. Of course, I don’t know enough about the BKs to recommend them, but I can say their actions this weekend demonstrated a kind loving action.
And of course, if you do go there for a silent retreat, I would encourage you to donate to cover the cost of food and accommodation.
This is another Secret Sydney post. Secret Sydney is a new noodlies Sydney food blog project to uncover authentic, diverse food and culture all around Sydney.
Inner Space Centre for Spiritual Learning
FREE – but donations appreciated
(and I’d highly recommend it given their wonderful generosity)
150 Macarthur Drive Wilton
(02) 4630 8124
I've heard of this place and the silent retreat but didn't know it was free, what a wonderful gesture.
Like you, I don't know much about them but glad to hear they didn't use the opportunity to convert.
Hey Joss,
I was really very pleasantly surprised by their generousity, like I said, I don't know much about them, but really did enjoy the weekend.
The setting is simply beautiful as well.
This sounds superb, what a great thing to do, not sure if I can go for all that time without talking, but get what you mean by all that chatter.
Great info
I have always been curious about silent retreats but have only heard of Vipassana which is more like 8 days of silence, I think. This sounds just perfect. Wish I was in Sydney to do it!
Hey Lauren, you should check out the BKs website.. they have something like 14 centres around Oz… not sure if there is one in Melb or if it's in a good location like Wilton.. but might be worth a look… I got so much out of it… the Vipassana one sounds good, but like you I'm not sure if I can do 8 days!
Husband's cousin did this not long ago and she absolutely loved it! She went by herself so it really helped to "cut off" from the rest of the world.
What a wonderful setting, it would be lovely to go but I've got a family.
i like the deconstructed nature of the kiwi fruit cheescakes.
Yep, mademoiselle, it was nice to switch off for a weekend.. feel wonderfully recharged and ready to take on the world
I've always wondered about silence retreats, very intriguing. It looks so picturesque!
It was so nice, Christie.. and luckily it was really mild too.. not hot at all… was drizzling a little which really helped the mood